What I learned from Harvard's Women on Boards – Succeeding as a Corporate Director


When I applied to Harvard Business School’s executive program, Women on Boards — Succeeding as a Corporate Director, I had several objectives in mind: understanding the role and responsibilities of a corporate director, preparing for a director role in the best way possible, positioning myself to secure the right board appointment, and connecting with and learning from other successful women pursuing corporate board seats.

What I learned at Harvard is that corporate board service requires many professional skills and experiences, thoughtful preparation, training and networking. The program was a game changer for me and I was thrilled to participate.

While my learning experience was extensive, three takeaways emerged:

  1. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and reach for the highest and best possible outcome, personally and professionally

  2. Building and maintaining a strong network is critical to board success because the best opportunities often come through your own network

  3. Solicit feedback from others, know your value, and be able to articulate with confidence and clarity the unique skills and strengths you bring to a board

The more I learn about directorship, the more I realize how much there is to learn. Being a well-informed corporate director requires a commitment to continuous learning. Preparation for corporate board service doesn’t end after attending an executive program at Harvard. It’s just the beginning.

 © Carolyne Hyde 2019

GovernanceCarolyne Hyde